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MakeThem Listen's goal is to assist conservatives by providing information and guidance to effect change through correspondence with our elected officials.


Immigration reform amnesty and Obama's open border policy threatens our way of life, the safety and security of American citizens and the soverignty of America.


Our current campaign is to send the following message to our representatives:
1. Any form of amnesty for illegals is NOT acceptable.
2. The current surge of illegals crossing our border is NOT acceptable and must be stopped.
3. Our borders MUST be secured and our current laws enforced.


Desperate to stop the looming immigration reform (amnesty) legislation, in October of 2013, activist Paul Arnold founded "Make Them Listen". Paul had seen the need to educate, motivate and inspire people to call their Republican House Representatives to oppose amnesty, demand current immigration laws be enforced and the border secured. With a small team of organizers and just a Facebook page, MTL held a massive phone call event last October. The team led by example by making calls and posting the dialog and results on the Facebook group page. This one day event was successful because thousands of calls were made by concerned citizens. As a result of this sucess, the phone campaign was extended indefinitely


In late May 2014, Paul decided  more needed to be done. With a small team of fellow activist organizers, a Facebook page, and a very basic (free) website,  MTL united groups, organizations and patriots from across America to hold over 400 protests in all 50 States. The 2 day event was a huge success and was covered by even the mainstream media. Moving foreward, MTL plans on organizing more events to help motivate and inspire conservtives to activism by providing a vehicle of information and leadership to make their activism easier and more effective. As MTL expands it's operations, we plan to work on other top issues that threaten the well being of America.


Thank you for taking the time to read MTL's about page.


MTL - Staff

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